Forest Park teachers learned about the new CKLA curriculum by participating in a fourth-grade lesson.
8 days ago, FZFP
CKLA Lesson
Kindergarten Enrollment is open for the 2025-2026 school year. Send this link to a friend: and encourage them to visit their elementary school today between 2-7 p.m.
9 days ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Student and teacher smile as they discuss a story. Kindergarten Enrollment Open March 5 for Fall 2025
Tonight!!! Come see FPE's Drama Club perform Disney Aladdin Kids! The performance will take place at Fort Zumwalt North High School's Auditorium. Show time is at 6:00 pm. Hope to see you there!
16 days ago, FZFP
Text says: Disney Aladdin Kids. Forest Park Elementary Drama Club; February 26, 2025; 6:00 pm Fort Zumwalt North High School Auditorium
Wednesday, 2-19-2025 will be a traditional snow day in FZSD. There will be no school 2-19-2025 due to inclement weather and road conditions. Just a reminder, this means the day will have to be made up at the end of the school year. Again, 2-19-2025 will be a snow day in FZSD.
23 days ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
SNOW DAY - No School Wednesday, 2-19-2025
Update: All activities and facilities usage in Fort Zumwalt School District are canceled today, Feb. 18, 2025.
24 days ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
FZSD Update: No activities 2-18-2025
Hello Fort Zumwalt. Today, 2-18-25, will be an AMI day in FZSD. Students grades 6 - 12 should log in to Canvas. Students grades Pre-K - 5 should complete AMI packet No. 5. Remember, AMI Days do not have to be made up. Get all you need to know at
24 days ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
AMI Day: Tuesday 2.18.2025
The cast and crew of the FZN Panther Players invite you to go to a show! Catch them in action, performing Farce of Nature at 7 p.m., tonight, tomorrow and Saturday. More, including link to buy tickets, at
29 days ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Cast and crew pose for group photo on the set at North High
Flyer for Farce of Nature, 7 p.m. 2-13 through 2-15 at North High.
Due to the forecast weather conditions and travel advisories, Wednesday, 2/2/2025 will be an AMI day. Grades 6 - 12 should log in to Canvas. Pre-K - 5 should complete AMI packet No. 4. Remember, AMI Days do not have to be made up. More at
about 1 month ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Wednesday, 2-12-2025 is an AMI Day. Grades 6-12 log-in to Canvas. Pre-K - 5 do AMI packet No. 4
If it seems that you've been hearing that a lot of your student's friends have been sick, you're not alone. Our team of school nurses has noticed it, too, and shares a few key reminders to help you and your student(s) stay healthy as we all look toward the end of cold and flu season. 1. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after using the restroom and before eating. 2. When you need to cough or sneeze, do so into a tissue or your elbow 3. Stay home/keep your student home when feeling sick Our nurses are so thankful to have you on their team as they work to keep our students and our schools healthy. Remember, you can find the graphic below any time on our website under Clinics, Health and Wellness.
about 1 month ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
‘I need to stay home if...’  Advice from your FZSD School Nurses    I HAVE A FEVER Temperature of 100.0° F or higher I am ready to go back to school when I am:  Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication ie. Tylenol, Motrin   I AM VOMITING Within the last 24 hours.  I am ready to go back to school when I am: Free from vomiting for at least 2 solid meals   I HAVE DIARRHEA Within the last 24 hours.  I am ready to go back to school when I am: Free from diarrhea for at least 24 hours   I HAVE A RASH Body rash with itching or fever I am ready to go back to school when I am: Free from fever.  I have been evaluated by my doctor and told I am not contagious   I HAVE AN EYE INFECTION Redness, itching, and/or “crusty” drainage from eye     I am ready to go back to school when I am: Evaluated by my doctor and have a note to return to school    HAVE HEAD LICE Itchy head, active head lice  I am ready to go back to school when I am: Lice treatment initiated at home and free from all live lice. I must be checked by the nurse before I return to class.   I HAVE BEEN IN THE HOSPITAL Hospital stay and/or ER visit  I am ready to go back to school when I am: Released by my medical provider to return to school  If your child has strep throat or other bacterial infection, they should stay home until they have been given an antibiotic for at least 24 hours and their healthcare provider has given them permission to return to school. We recommend that you seek medical care when your child is sick and follow your healthcare provider's recommendations about returning to school and other activities.
FPE students have been learning and leading for 100 days!
about 1 month ago, FZFP
Four third graders show off their 100th day look
Students dressed up for the 100th day of school
Students smile at the camera dressed as their 100 year old selves
Mrs. Mathews and some of her students dressed up for the 100th day of school
Ms. Werner and some of her students dressed up for the 100th day of school
Two students smile for the camera dressed up for the 100th day of school
5th graders smile for the camera dressed for the 100th day of school
Teachers are learners! This afternoon FPE and JLM teachers came together to talk about developing phonics in the reading process throughout K-5.
about 1 month ago, FZFP
Teachers discuss phonics instruction K-5
Teachers listen to a colleague share about phonics in her classroom
Teachers discuss patterns and common themes in K-5 phonics instruction.
Do you know someone who will be 5 years old on or before July 31? Then it's time to get ready for Kindergarten! Enrollment day is March 5. Learn more on our website. Set time for your soon-to-be Kindergartener to meet one of our Parent Educators for a Kindergarten Screening to help you monitor development, gain information that will help with individual growth, detect any potential delays and, provide support for intervention and enrichment. Sign-up for your student's Kindergarten Screening Today at
about 1 month ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Teachers watches student cut with scissors
Niko, a fifth-grade student in Ms. Wolk's class, was the Forest Park representative at the Fort Zumwalt District Spelling Bee. He did a great job!
about 1 month ago, FZFP
The Educator of the Year is Mrs. Holmes, and the Employee of the Year is Mrs. Marlowe. Mrs. Holmes is a third-grade teacher and building leader. Mrs. Marlowe is the Principal Secretary and goes above and beyond daily. Thank you for your leadership and dedication to FPE!
about 1 month ago, FZFP
Marlowe and Holmes
It has been a great week back at school! Third graders are creating city landscapes in art, fourth graders are learning about Missouri state symbols, and Officer Shepherd with the O'Fallon Police Department started DARE lessons with our fifth graders. And while we are still inside for recess, students have had fun reconnecting after a long winter break.
about 2 months ago, FZFP
3rd graders are creating skyline pictures in art class.
3rd graders enjoy building with their friends during indoor recess.
Officer Shepherd teaches the first DARE lesson to a fifth grade classroom.
4th graders are learning about Missouri State symbols.
Want to learn more about a career in education? Join us for our first College of Education Connection Fair, 6-8 p.m., Jan. 23 at our Professional Development Center. Want to teach in Fort Zumwalt? We're hosting a hiring fair for certified educators Feb. 1. Guaranteed interview! Learn more:
about 2 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Work For FZSD Upcoming Events: 1-23 College of Education Fair. 2-1 Certified Hiring Event
It's a great day to be at school! We are so excited to see FPE students and staff back at school today!
about 2 months ago, FZFP
Dr. Mills and Dr. Conway smile while standing outside in the snow
Welcome back! We look forward to seeing staff and students in person today. It is an A Day for high schools and middle schools and a C Day for elementary. A few reminders: Bundle up! Give yourself extra time. Elementary families please send all of your completed packets back today. Meal options can be found in the FZ app or on your school website in the menu under Dining. Wave to our crew! They did an amazing job getting your school ready for you come back. Make it a great day!
about 2 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Welcome Back Jan. 13, 2025: HS & MS A Day; EL C Day
All activities and facilities usage in Fort Zumwalt School District are canceled today, Jan. 10, 2025.
2 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
FZSD Update
Dear Fort Zumwalt families, Out of an abundance of caution, the district will use an AMI Day on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025. District leaders have been monitoring conditions across the district all day and, though things are much improved in many areas, a number of roads remain hazardous and, in quite a few neighborhoods, even impassable. Thank you to our maintenance and custodial team members, who have put great effort into preparing our buildings for staff and students to return. It has been more than 10 years since our community has dealt with a storm like this, and we appreciate their efforts to have campuses ready. High school students and families should watch for an email update from your school tomorrow, Jan. 9. Students Pre-K - 8 are already scheduled to be off Friday for a Records Day. Thank you for your patience as we are all working through this winter weather together. Pre-K through 5 - AMI Packet No. 3 6 - 12 Login to Canvas
2 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
AMI Day: Thursday 1.9.2025